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As an educator of mathematics for 29 years, one of my greatest passions is getting children excited about learning mathematics and applying it in their everyday lives.



The game “BULLSEYE” is designed to motivate, engage and develop mental math skills.

When played repeatedly, [BULLSEYE] will support mathematical confidence, student development in computational fluency and number flexibility. [BULLSEYE] encourages students to think strategically about numbers and use of operations to calculate a variety of possible outcomes to maximize their score.

JEM GAMES LLC encourages all educators to research the power, impact and positive messages behind heightening mental math proficiency in all students.

Bullseye is an interactive math game that will challenge your thinking and actively engage your mind. It will provide families the opportunity to share mathematical ideas and strategies during each round of play in order to maximize their round total score.

Bullseye will certainly bring healthy competition, mathematical confidence and family unity with every roll of the dice.

So parents, get ready to roll and make “BULLSEYE” happen for you.

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Games as Engaging  Effective Activities


Research tells us that the best mathematics classrooms are those in which students learn number facts and number sense through engaging activities that focus on mathematical understanding rather than rote memorization. Games provide a dual pathway to understanding through visualization that results beneficial brain connections ( J. Boaler, 2015)


Developing computational fluency is an expectation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Games provide opportunity for meaningful practice. The research about how students develop fact mastery indicates that drill techniques and timed tests do not have the power that mathematical games and other experiences have. Appropriate mathematical activities are essential building blocks to develop mathematically proficient students who demonstrate computational fluency (Van de Walle and Lovin, Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics Grades K–3, p. 94).



Number Fluency is the gateway foundation to achievement in mathematics

In a critical research project researchers studied students as they solve number problems (Gray & Tall, 1994). The students, aged 7 to 13, had been nominated by their teachers as being low, middle or high achieving. The researchers found an important difference between the low and high achieving students—the high achieving students used number sense,  low achieving students did not. (Gray & Tall, 1994)

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